6 Must-Have Chinese New Year Features
Chinese New Year is fast approaching – February 16th marks the Year of the Dog! In Chinese symbolism the dog is known for being communicative and hard working – we should be in for a productive year! For this celebration, it is important to have your store stocked with popular Asian and Ethnic produce items. Offering these features may give your winter sales a boost and will keep your store looking bright over these cold months.
Lokam Oranges
Lokam Oranges are known as a sweet staple during Chinese New Year celebrations. They symbolize luck, prosperity and bounty! Eat Lokam Oranges as a snack, give as gifts or leave this fruit on your kitchen counter as a reminder that 2018 will bring plenty of wealth.
Gai Lan & Yu Choy
We recommend including a popular Chinese Green in your store for Chinese New Year! Two great choices are Gai Lan and Yu Choy. The most noticeable difference between these two Chinese Greens is their appearance; Yu Choy has thinner stalks compared to Gai Lan. Both greens are commonly used as side dishes and as a key ingredient in stir fry. Check out this classic Gai Lan recipe: Click Here!
Dragon Fruit
Dragonfruit is not only beautiful but has a fresh and delicious flavour. It’s always a hot seller during Chinese New Year as it represents beauty and luck! This fruit is one of a kind when it comes to appearance, and can be taken to the next level by carving the flesh into gorgeous designs! If you’re looking to eat Dragon Fruit – it’s extremely delicious raw or when used in a variety of desert recipes. See our Dragon Fruit inspiration board, here.
Snow Peas & Snap Peas
Snow and Snap Peas are a classic ingredient to incorporate into many wonderful recipes that are made for Chinese New Year festivities. Their sweet flavour mixed with a crisp crunch make them easy to cook with. Snow and Snap Peas also offer a good source of vitamin C, dietary fibre and potassium. Cook Snap Peas easily as a healthy and flavourful side dish, all you need is olive oil, sea salt and pepper. Snow Peas go great in stir fry, try making this simple recipe for your friends and family this February 16th – check it out, here!